Session Topics
Biodiversity and biogeography patterns
Autecology to Synecology
Experimental biology and toxicology
Molecular biology, genetics and genomics
Aquaculture and applied research
Special Sessions
Title: Ecology of Rotifers in Karst and Mediterranean Region
Leaders: Evangelia Michaloudi, Maria Špoljar, Javier Armengol, Orhideja Tasevska, Spase Shumka, Tvrtko Dražina
Description: Rotifers in karst waterbodies of the world as well as those in the Mediterranean climate (from Europe, Chile, North America, Australia or South Africa) including temporary waterbodies, considering the peculiarities of the environmental conditions and the pronounced climate changes in these ecosystems.
Title: New Advances in Understanding Rotifer Reproduction
Leaders: Elizabeth Walsh, Robert Wallace, Rick Hochberg
Description: Description: Presenters may group any of these topics together as they see to be appropriate. In this special session we wish to highlight the use of other Gnathiferans as comparison outgroups.
Evolution of rotifer life cycles
New research on diapausing embryos
a. How much variation is seen in the timing of mixis within species?
b. What do we know about the biology initiation of hatching?
c. Are there new protocols to initiating hatching?
d. Pseudosexual diapausing embryos in Synchaeta and other species.
Reproductive behaviors
Male dwarfism.
a. What is the genetic control of this condition?
b. What are the morphological reductions in species that exhibit the dwarf state?
c. Is there a phylogenetic signature in male dwarfism?
d. In non-feeding males, in what form do they store energy and how is that metabolized over the life of the male?
Gnathiferans as comparison outgroups
How to Get Nice Images of Rotifers (Sep 04, 9-17 h)
Leader: Michael Plewka
The behaviour, morphology and biodiversity of rotifers can nowadays be documented with relatively inexpensive equipment. The workshop aims to address some aspects related to animal preparation, lighting and digital image processing to create aesthetically pleasing and meaningful images. The one-day workshop consists of 3 parts:
- introduction to the technical aspects of digital photography and presentation of a workflow for image processing (lecture).
- practical work on preparation and inexpensive illumination methods on the microscope (Kreutz aperture; Rheinberg illumination, flash photography), attaching a camera to the microscope.
The main part consists of exercises in digital image processing on self-made photos or given image files (working with histogram, high-pass and low-pass filtering).
Participants should have a laptop or tablet with image processing software, e.g. GIMP (open source) or similar.
Rotifers in Experimental Ecology: 3 hours
Leaders: S. Nandini, S.S.S. Sarma & L. May
Rotifer research based on field collections undoubtedly yields enormous amounts of data on all aspects of rotifer taxonomy and biology. However, because of the confounding effects of different environmental factors in the field, the influence of any single variable on the response of rotifers cannot be detected. Controlled experiments allow us to formulate hypotheses and test them. In this workshop we highlight the importance of culture systems for testing the effects of different environmental variables, individually and in combination, on the ecology of rotifers. These short term experiments yield valuable scientific information on cause and effect and enable early career researchers to test novel ideas and hypotheses.
Rotifer Database: 1 h
Leader: Karine Van Doninck
Rotifer database and the one we would like to build for the community in order to share with everyone all the -omic data generated by each research group, but also the protocols, life-cycle info of each species, resistance tests, any other results to be shared, the taxonomic revisions of the rotifers.
The proceedings of the symposium will be published as a special issue of Hydrobiologia.
Proposals for co-authored article in Hydrobiologia Special Issue:
1) Leading author Aleksandra Walczyńska: Niche differentiation in rotifer cryptic species complexes – revision of environmental effects
Show your interest on email:
Oral and Poster presentations
Oral presentations have to be uploaded (power point or pdf) at least one day/break before the session to Mr. Ivan Šetin (IT person in the conference hall). Authors have 10-12 min for presentation, and 3-5 min for questions and discussion. Chairpersons will be instructed to force these limitations sharp.
Oral online presenters will follow and contribute in the conference activities through the ZOOM platform in real time. We would appreciate to send us on official email your presentation at least day earlier (e.g. via Wetransfer for large file transfer), to avoid possible technical disruptions.
Flash talks for onsite and online poster presenters should include purpose and aim of the study, not all results.
Poster presentations have to be mantled according to the number in the Program Book, and authors should to be aside their posters during the Poster session. Posters must be in portrait orientation, maximum format A0 (841 × 1189 mm; 33.1 × 46.8 in) format and minimum format A1 (594 × 841 mm; 23.4 × 33.1 in). If your poster is not in these specifications, it may be subject to removal. Poster mounting tools (e.g. adhesive tapes, glue pads, pins) will be provided on the site at the poster stands.
Posters will be introduced at the beginning of each poster session by a max 2 min flash talk consisting of a max 2 power point slides. Flash talkshave to be uploaded (power point or pdf) at least day/ break before the session to Mr. Ivan Šetin (IT person in the conference hall).
Online poster session will be organized in virtual format. Due to equality online and onsite participants, we would enable to online participants to see onsite posters through the EMPL platform. We would appreciate that all conference participants read carefully instructions below.
- Instructions for the online poster presenting authors
The online poster presenters are required to fill registration form and send the following information:
- picture of the poster in .jpg or .png format, portrait or landscape, maximum size up to 10 MB, resolution minimum 600 x 400 px
- link on 2 minutes video presentation with 2 slides, recorded by PPT or Zoom or similar
- other details same as in the original abstract form (title, authors, affiliations, session, abstract)
This e-posters online form must be completed and sent to the organizer latest until the 29th August 2022. In case of any technical questions please contact:
- Instructions for the onsite poster presenting authors
The onsite poster presenters are required to fill registration form and send the following information:
- picture of the poster in .jpg or .png format, portrait or landscape, maximum size up to 10 MB, resolution minimum 600 x 400 px
- other details same as in the original abstract form (title, authors, affiliations, session, abstract)
This e-posters online form must be completed and sent to the organizer latest until the 29th August 2022. In case of any technical questions please contact:
- Instructions for all Symposium participants
In order to be able to see particularly online posters, all Symposium participants are required to register on EMPL platform, via link provided on the website
The best oral and poster presentations for young scientists (under 35 years old) will be awarded.
Rotifer Image Contest
Congress participants Images for the competition can be emailed to
The competition will be held in two categories: 1. field photographs and 2. microscopic photographs. One participant can submit a maximum of 3 photos for the competition, and the jury will select the photos that will participate in the contest. All photos will be printed in A4 colour and will be on display throughout conference. Voting will take place via an online form. Winners for the both categories will be awarded.